April 16th each year on this day I find myself once again unemployed. It is something that I am so ready for and am anxious about every time. It was a very slow year this year and I only worked about half as much as usual, while financially needing to work twice as much! Funny how that works, but here I am. The no more paycheck thing was really starting to worry me, but Janelle put her spin on it and told me "that's okay, now your money will just come from different sources". Yes, like from selling my artwork, which is what I love doing anyway!
I think that most of us have met someone somewhere and thought, "they have the best job in the world, they get to do what they love AND get paid for it!" While we might not be able to find a career doing what we love that pays all the bills, why not still do what you love? Even if it is only for a couple of hours a week?
I have this sign that I made that hangs above my kitchen sink. Do One Thing Everyday That Makes You Happy. Seriously, how hard is that to do? One thing. Not 10, just one. Try it. It's Fun!!!
I was featured this morning in this treasury titled "Fruit Punch". She used my fruit punch card and a bunch of other fun, bright things. I get so excited when someone puts me in the treasury. I keep wanting to do one myself, but it is really hard to get one listed. I'll keep trying.
I am ready for fruit punch days. After getting snow at the beginning of the week I am relishing the sunshine that is at this very minute streaming through my windows. I can hear the birds chirping outside, they are happy too.